A voice I want to share by Selendis Sebastian Alexander Johnson

AVIWTS First Plan - 18 February 2023

3:10pm Saturday 18-2-2023

The organization of the website is fundamentally non-physical, everything is based on simple hyperlinks. The fundamental structure is pages that are lists of hyperlinks of things within their category. For example, there is a ‘sheet music’ hyperlink that leads to a list of links to pages that just have sheet music. There also would be a ‘writings’ hyperlink that leads to a page that has links to different ways of organizing all the writings. One would be ‘Ho/Massey Project’, another would be ‘Education’, and each of those would be lists of links that would have a lot of overlap. Perhaps on the ‘writings’ page it would have both a list of links to these topic pages, and also just a list of every writing, or maybe I just make one of the topic pages ‘all writings’. Lists that link to material and not more lists are (unless there’s good reason for exception) organized in reverse chronological order and every link must be dated.

There will be writings on all the things I may write about, there will be sheet music, there will be a history of all shows I’ve played and as much recording (audio/video) included (ideally as youtube/google drive links) as exists. There will be my writings I use for performance.

All of these things should link around to each other in a higher dimensional web. I should have writings about my compositions, and the writings should be in writings topic lists, and the sheet music for the compositions should be in the sheet music list, and in the writing and in the sheet music they should provide links to the other. Or perhaps they are the same page.

Linking off the site frequently will be a good practice.

The home page should clearly say my name. It should have some introductory words similar to this. Maybe it should have a list of the key main topic pages, for now I think just ‘writings’, and a list of other ones, like ‘sheet music’, ‘performances’ (one link for past, one for present?). The question of how the home page should look is a big one and my answer will I’m sure continue to develop.